Some of you might have already known Arilynn my niece, the cutest baby ever (no offense ladies... I'm sure everyone feels the same about their nieces or daughters hehehehehehe... so if you could forgive me just this once... hehehehehehe)
Arilynn has the silliest smiles ever. A few weeks ago, i got ahold of my brother's Nikon D3 and I tried a few shots and fell in love with Arilynn even more.
I hope her smiles and silly faces light your faces up the way they do mine :)
And I hope I didn't ruin the reputation of Nikon D3. (Pardon my very very amateuric photographic skill and my 'bravery' in taking the shots and posting them online). Some of the pictures aren't taken with Nikon D3 though. I'll make sure I put some captions under those pictures (the ones not with Nikon D3), to not do it any 'disjustice'...




I also took some pictures of Arilynn's little brother Aryann. Isn't it weird to see such small babies have even 'babier' little baby brothers/sisters around them? hehehe...

Here are the pictures NOT using the Nikon D3 :)
These ones are with Nikon D80...
And these with Arilynn's mum's pocket camera :) (It's Nikon Coolpix blah blah blah... Can't remember the series)
Hihihihi.. ane cute.. apa lagi pas lagi jadi bibi2, sapu2 lantaii.. pinter ya.. haha.. gemes deh sienn.. pinjem sehari donkk hihihihiihihi.. =p
Ohya, poto lu bagus kok sien.. heuahuea..
miraaa itu ada disewa kokkkk si arilynn...
per jam 100 ribu.. wa bagi hasil sama mamanya... 50-50 huerhuerhuerer... trus sewa 10 jam gratis 1 jam haeoruhearouhreou
mau bo??? itu harga promosi loh ahoeruhaeoruhearo
ntar di tagih sama mr.tahbar ya!! hahahahaha.... bar, mumpung lagi harga promosi di buat lisien.. hohohoho..
kok gw perasaan your niece somehow have the same attitude like you hoh?
sarcasm? compliment?? hayoooo....hasudhuhfua
cis.. let's put it this way...
it's a compliment for me... a very insulting sarcasm for her hahahaha...
thanks from me then.. hahaha
mira.. jadi mau sewa berapa jam? hahahaha ntar invoicenya kirim ke tahbar yah... hahaha
arilyn,i will vote you for the cutest toddler ever,hehehe
gemes kali liat pipinya, jadi pengen gigit, boleh gak sien?,yang poninya rata luculoh, bilang ama mamanya dipertahankan trus poninya,super silly hehehe(forgive me dah lancang gini :)
kalo dah liat kolam lu dan arilyn, winson pasti berniat bikin kolam segede itu untuk lokasi foto2 anaknya ntar hehehe
sekarang aja dah berharap2 tetangga gw mau jual rumahnya,supaya dia bisa bikin kolam disamping rumahku ntar,
waduh kok jadi ngelantur gini gw
aina. 1st of all, gigit boleh aja.. bayarrrrrr hahaha 10x lipat harga sewa.. gigit 1x = 1 juta.. tapi bulan promosi, gigit 10x gratis 2x cubit pipi hahaha...
iya wa juga lagi mempertahankan aksi perataan poni si arilynn hihihihi.. iya lu sebar aja isu kl lu liat hantu di rumah tetangga lu.. ntar dia ma kin ciong2 jual dgn harga murah lagiiiiii hohohoho
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