I've finally kept my promise. The upload's done!!! hahaha... Hope you enjoy the pics and that afternoon of course :)
For everyone else who weren't there, don't get upset for not being invited. It's not that I dun love you guys. This is an event exclusively for "I do" brides, their best friends & the lady crew of "I do". I still love you as much even if you're not invited. Mwahx Mwahx Mwahx.. hehehe...
Unfortunately, some of the brides couldn't make it that day. Nevertheless, it was still a fun afternoon. (Despite the rush I had to go through. I only had 2 days to prepare all this, since being a good granddaugther, I had to take granny for a visit her doctor and could only get back to Medan 2 days before D-day!) That's why, great thanx for the help, lovely crew. I don't know how I could get through it without you guys. Also thanx heaps to dear hubby for accompanying & driving me around to pick up linens, chairs, tables, decoration, and to all sorts of Mini & Supermarkets to buy all the party needs. (I'm a supermarket-idiot. I had to go to 5 or 6 supermarkets till I get the whole shopping list covered). Thanks... You've always been my greatest 'supporter' in life and at work. Ahhhhh kok jadi ngelantur gini... Sorry I got too carried away..
So... the High Tea was finally held on 31 Aug' 08 after a few changes on the dates. The venue was my dad's mini garden. We rarely got to use the garden for parties. I've always been so excited about garden parties and never really had the chance to make it come true. At my wedding last year, I didn't get to enjoy it since I was too busy being the 'bride'. So you can say this is kinda a way to please my ego too... Being a host of a 'garden party' has always been one of the things I dream of doing every now and then Hehehe...
Hope you enjoy the pictures captured by my friend Tahbar Junus who I suspected did mostly the eating rather than the photographing that day hahaha. (Well he's more like the invitee to me rather than the photographer anyway. He's like the "Aling" of every one of my bridal event)
OK, S.L.I.M mode..............
We started with the cooking demo by my food-tech girl, Wen2 from MaCeHat (Makanan Cepat Sehat), Jl. Karo no.20 hahahaha... Promosi gratis, Wen). Di MaCeHat ada jual susu murni, susu kedelai, yg fresh dan bener-bener terjamin keaslian dan kesegarannya. Pokoknya bo salah liau lah... Pesan dari MaCeHat aja... Trus lu jual apa lagi Wen? Ntar upload listnya di COMMENT yah hahahaha.
The girl in black in front of Wen was video-taping the demo. She is from Videotech. I requested a girl for the videotaper to go with the gender-code. Well, Tahbar is "Aling" mahhh so 'she' didn't really break my rule hahaha. Can't wait to see the video. I promise I'll upload the video once I have it in hand (hopefully I'll have the time to keep this promise hehe)
(Thanx to beloved hubby for helping 'deliver' the bananas safely and timely. Mwahx Mwahx hohoho)
We have to find a name for this good-looking drink, Wen. Hmmm... "Sparkling Passion"? Good?
(Oh thanx to Ul for the glasses, tables & chairs hahaha)
These 3 girls had the largest crepe prepared that afternoon. Dunno if it's due to their good appetite, the 'attractiveness' of the crepe, or their miscalculating the measurement.
Which reminds me. Bar, why didn't you take the shots of me juggling the crepes with the pan? That move was shockingly C.O.O.L lerrr....... How could you miss a crucial historical moment like that HUH?!!
You see why I said 'way too much pisang goreng'? Oh btw, we also got the rare 'Pisang Goreng with Bumbu Pecel' on the menu that afternoon, a special dish combination with inspiration from my hometown, Tebing Tinggi, which hardly any Medanese ever tried until they met me HUA HUA HUA!!!
MINI BURGERS !!! I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE THEM !! hahuahaua... Sien, kapan kapan mao lagi donk garden party. haha...
oyah..tambahan neh... Macehat ar... teman temann, must try produk Macehat.. sehat.. enak lagi (wen... biaya promo lagi yah) tapi emang enak sihh... haha.. pizzanya juga e enak ar... tahu cui pun enakk... markisa jelly kok khak enakkkkk... hauhauhauha
why i didn't take the moment u juggler the crepe? prob because im the crepe juggling master and i have to supervise everytime somebody juggler so no more crepe end up on the grass. ohh and i barely ate la that day, dun make me look bad. yuk....crepe garden party again!!!
errrr... i don't mind the party... but can't guarantee i have the time to organize all that... i have so many weddings to organize in 1-3 months' time... but will be happy if i can be the 'guest' only hahahahaha
bar... how was samosir?
wooowwww..... Sien, nice respons ya ttg Garden Party..should do it again! Hoohoho..thx to your brilliant idea ;)
If u dont have time, dont worry.. Me & aUL always ready to help & organise it for u ;)Hohoho..
ya kan UL (tanpa persetujuan uda register nama aUL dulu..hehehe)
ohh, plus "aLing" the pancake chef,master in pancake "fliping"
Soo..the party's ON? :D :D :D
the 1st garden high tea i ever have....and keren banget...
sering sering ya...
tapi kalo gak buat tiket aja...biar kita gak phai se mau makan semua kuenya..kakakakakakak
trus lain kali bilang donk kalo partynya ane keren.
ampe salah kostum and gak bermake up pula...
malu maluin
oh ya..lupa....kuenya enak enak and crepesnya pun ane keren...cman uda lupa gimana buatnya karena kagak di catat....
and semua ok dech..gak bisa di hiam.....
wen... ttg party ON sih ON ar... ntar cari timing yg pas dulu yahhh wa lagi sibuk plan party2 orang lain soalnya hahahaha... tapi bener2 fun tuhhh interested banget hohohoho
hohohoho... cindy, jadi kemaren makan phaise2 mehhhh... wa liat makan banyak jugaaa hahahaha j/k j/k lahhhh...
lue kostum gitu & tanpa makeup pun udah cantik lahhh... si pangeran kuda putihmu kan tidak complain liauuuu hahaha..
crepesnya nanti yah kl ada waktu wa bikinin (hehehe tapi jangan ditunggu.. bisa 10 taun lagi baru wa bikin warasa hahahahaha)
Keliatannn enakkk bangett makanan nyaa.. and funn jggg.. heuahuehuea and i want crepesssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hahaha.. ternyata tahbar jg ada sisi gelapnya (A ling) hahaha.. *ane lucu* haha.. cocok sihh namanya ama dia.. hahaha..
hehehe.. mira, boi 'batal' kan kak tahbar? jadi masak selama ini lu boi liat ie sisi 'aling' ar? hahahaha.. bagus lah sekarang matamu sudah terbuka.. semoga tetap 'deal' hahaahha
Wen, OK lar.. haha wa mah bersedia aja to help and organise (biarpun waktu hari itu wa telat *phai se phai se* karena ada masalah teknis) hauhau...
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