(Photos submitted below are courtesy of Tony & Yenny, contributions of Tahbar Junus Photography, unless stated otherwise)
It’s an outdoor setting. We built a huge stage on the center of the romantic roofless lawn, with personally customized Balinese Pura gateways at all 4 sides of the stage, enhanced with exquisite sunset-inspired lighting.
(photo by VIDEOTECH)
The entrance was preceded with a videoclip summarizing the morning wedding ceremony, which showed a ‘door crashing game’, where the groomsmen were asked to sing a song wearing personalized underwears, prepared by bride’s very adorable sister, Solita.
(photo by VIDEOTECH)
After the videoclip, we had the classic "Wedding March" music at the background while the couple entered the venue at around 8 pm, through the main security gate of Lembur Kuring, with groomsmen Jimmy & Herry as the exclusive driver & doorman. They halted right in front of the steps to the dining area, welcomed by flower petals sprinkled by their best friends, as the bridesmaids & groomsmen. Walking the aisle, they were led with a very beautiful music arrangement, "Baju Pengantin" from Erwin Gutawa.
(photo by VIDEOTECH)


As claimed by Tony, this is his 'premiere' public singing show ever, "Wa ku ca SMA, wa si kambuan leng hun daripada chio kua er ar. Itu Ernawaty cia lo wa e ar..." (For those of u who might've forgotten, Ernawaty's our high-school Music teacher).
But here, on their wedding day, Tony's summed up all courage to stand up and surprise Yenny with a very beautiful song by Andra & The Backbone, "Sempurna". You could see the happiness reflected on Yenny's lovely face :) A very "sempurna" moment.

Lengkapi diriku, Oh sayangku, kau begitu
Sempurna... Sempurna... "


(photo by VIDEOTECH)
(photo by VIDEOTECH)

With Luv,
"I do" - your wedding planner
entrance gaya cisca " wahhhhh ane sui hohhhhhh the wedding, I do ane e hohhh..." huafhuafhua. tapi kreatif lo hoh lu. serious
blognya bagus yaaa..simple dan ga berlebihan. bahasanya light dan very you. okeeee bagusss ( emcai hamik kui)
ya bagus lah that you finally have blogged. bisa jadi sarana bagus buat lu er Wedding planner.
Jadi gud luck with the blog, gud luck with the business. looking forward for more posts
- fake commenter- huehuehue
Wah, ane keren ho sien, di bali yo itu???
hahaha... bukan di bali sih... di lembur kuring medan ar... tapi themenya kan "Sunset in Bali" jadi suasana dan setting dibikin sesuai ambience di bali loh hehehe...
cis, thanx for the support, wish u all the best juga hahahaha...
momentnya bagus yg dipic hor..
I've always love weddings.. eventhou ive never found an unboring wedding yet :P maybe we should have some talks after my bro arrived.
eh sien.. itu mreka ambil bridal dimana? aku nyari2 bridal nih..
ane keren ho acaranya???
memang cc lilysan paling kreatif dalam acara gitu2an yah..
w tertarik buanget lo..kesannya seru buanget..
kek ga seperti acara2 wedding biasa2 dimedan.byk yg boat boring..
it`s really a nice blog..
w jg pake I Do di acara wedding w nanti lo..
emmmmm...boat semua temen2 yg mo merit ato ada sodara2 temen2 semua yg mo merit..
percayain aja ma I DO...
Dijamin bakal puas deh.. ^-^
Xia. Thanx yah udah suka blognya :) Iya we should talk when ur brother arrives. Kapan dia arrive? Ntar gw PM yah info bridalnya.
Gel. Thanx for the trust yooo... Sebentar lagi kan lue wedding yg bakalan tiok POST disini liau hehehe...
This gal is full of interesting and creative ideas. She can go on and on once she starts talking about her ideas. Believe me, you will be surprised of what you're getting.
She’s my wedding planner (before she claimed as an official Wedding Planner a few months ago). She helped me A LOT before and on The Day. Without her, my wedding won’t be so wonderful. My hubby and I feel very satisfied. She’s not just creative; she’s organized and very fun to talk to. I asked her to be my Sista's wedding planner too for her upcoming wedding this December. For those who are getting married out there, you absolutely can trust her as your wedding planner. Hope you guys enjoy your wedding as much as I do :)
Very Interesting Blog, Sien !
You ROCK!!!!
Keep on writing, can’t wait to read more…
Warm Regards,
Ngun & Fang
Great work Lys! Too bad you weren't already a wedding planner 5-6 years ago!
hohoho it's a pleasure to see you happy on ur wedding day, fang :)
willson&wenty, i could do ur anniversary :) have it in melb.. u could fly me there.. i'll do it pro bono hahahahaha.....
ALOw....Sis lilysan...
gua salut banget ma loe...
gue rasa kla konsep2 I Do tuh mantep deh..
liat aja pake konsep sunset bali2 gitu...trus design2 nya juga detail banget...
Gua rasa skrg banyak banget yg mau wedding party pergi ke Bali gitu...tapi kla pake wedding planner "I Do"
gak usah susah2 pegi ke bali buat resepsi nikah...tapi I Do dah bisa bikin konsep yg Luar Biasa Bagusnya gitu deh...
Trus loe pake photographernya sapa??
koq gua rasa ok banget tuh...dari pengambilan photo2 candidnya...rasanya moment2 n suasana ceria n senang nya begitu kelihatan deh...hehehe
Eh trus kertas yg dipegang MC tuh bagus lho!!...hehe
ini dolo deh comment gua...tar gua bantu promosiin I Do loe ke temen2 gua gitu..hehe
Opsss...trus lage...Gud Luck Buat I Do !! moga2 banyak orang yg tertarik ma konsep yg loe buat ini...hehe...
kembangin lage ide2 unik loe itu...sep lah...
Gak rugi yah punya sodara yg begitu pintar promosi kayak lu hahaha.. Mau jadi marketing "I do" aja gak? hahaha...
Photographernya kan ada tulis di blognya (Ketara gak baca2 tulisan2, cuman liat foto hahaha)...
Iya thank you buat best wishesnya. Lu juga sekolah yg baik yah jadi graphic designer yg sukses yah di kemudian hari.. hahaha.. Thanks again for the sweet testimonial :)
Hi, Lilysan ;) Luv all the pics and moments. Muantabbb en salut buanget buat elo ;) Always Be The Best ! ;)
nice a se
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