It's 4:22 am in the morning. I can't sleep! (cerita lama liau) Insomnia's hitting... And since I'm so into the mood of blogging, I got out of bed, back to my laptop, and back to blogging (which I've been doing for the last 4 hours or so).
I feel like writing... on the people behind the "I do" scenes. My good and amiable friends in life & at work. They are the people who make this job so lovable. Having them around during the weddings really relieves all the stress. I owe them a lot. Hope you guys will never get sick of this, coz I'll surely never get sick of having you guys around :)
So, shall I introduce...
KUSDI, "I do"'s 'James Bond'
Zodiac: Pisces
Children: 2, Wife: 1
Career: Plastic Recycling
Hobby: Soccer & Basketball
'a very reliable man, with good humour and a great heart'
'I've known this guy for 14 years. He's my hubby's bestest friend. Been through a lot of goods and bads with him. He's changed a lot during the last few years, being a good dad & husband & all. But 1 thing he hasn't ever changed is the way he always offers his hands and ears to people who need them. He's everyone's 'curhat'-must-go place hahaha...'
Here is a picture of Kusdi's cutest daughter and son :) Lucky kids and lucky father :)
Zodiac: Pisces
Children: 2, Wife: 1
Career: Plastic Recycling
Hobby: Soccer & Basketball
'a very reliable man, with good humour and a great heart'
'I've known this guy for 14 years. He's my hubby's bestest friend. Been through a lot of goods and bads with him. He's changed a lot during the last few years, being a good dad & husband & all. But 1 thing he hasn't ever changed is the way he always offers his hands and ears to people who need them. He's everyone's 'curhat'-must-go place hahaha...'
Here is a picture of Kusdi's cutest daughter and son :) Lucky kids and lucky father :)


ROSE, "I do"'s Art Director
Zodiac: Virgo
Career: Graphic Designer
Hobby: Photography & Graphic Design
'a very loyal, hardworking and 'everyone'-certified creative girl'
'I've known Rose since high school, been flatmates with her for years at 6/22 Murphy St, South Yarra , Melbourne. Very memorable years, especially the Mie Kangkung Belacan, surely memorable haha. (Kapan lagi Rose? Kangen liau ar haha). Everyone who knows her & who've seen her works must agree with the statement I quoted above. They'd also agree that a guy who's held her heart must be a very lucky guy. So J*****, take good care of this precious gem, you don't wanna lose her'
Zodiac: Virgo
Career: Graphic Designer
Hobby: Photography & Graphic Design
'a very loyal, hardworking and 'everyone'-certified creative girl'
'I've known Rose since high school, been flatmates with her for years at 6/22 Murphy St, South Yarra , Melbourne. Very memorable years, especially the Mie Kangkung Belacan, surely memorable haha. (Kapan lagi Rose? Kangen liau ar haha). Everyone who knows her & who've seen her works must agree with the statement I quoted above. They'd also agree that a guy who's held her heart must be a very lucky guy. So J*****, take good care of this precious gem, you don't wanna lose her'

UL, "I do"'s Organizer
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Career: Accountant
Hobby: Reading, Traveling & Korean Drama
'a very dependable organizer, comfy-to-be-with, meticulous friend'
'I've known this girl since my 1st year in Melbourne, around 9 years ago (Wah ga terasa hoh Ul). Everyone calls her 'A Ul'. People love being around her as she is very comfy to be with. You can talk to her about everything, especially Korean Drama!!! Haha .She's my encyclopedia for Korean movies, & actors too of course. If you open her bag, you'll see all her stuffs are so well-organized that you'll be 'phai-seh' to show her yours. She's like a live PDA. She cares most about her parents. Before she goes away on holidays (she travels a lot, lucky her), she'll arrange all her dad's medicine-box for the whole period she'll be away, so he won't miss his medications. Every parent would wish for a daughter as thoughtful as she is'
VERAYANI JOE, Assoc. Degree (Food Tech)

WEN2, "I do"'s Energizer Bunny
Zodiac: Scorpio
Career: Food Development & Technology
Hobby: Sports, Food & Traveling
'a very enthusiastic, energetic, friendly, helpful, cheerful, independent girl'
'My best friend's sister, who quickly became a very good friend of mine too. (Most probably because of the food samples she always gave me to try haha). She's a genius, hardworking & independent food person. Well I'm a food person too. The difference is I EAT the food, she MAKES the food (you see why she's a 'good' friend?) j/k wen :P When you are around her, you'll hear a lot of HAHAHA's around, since she laughs pretty much all the time. People who know her will surely love her personality. You only need 1 second to feel safe & comfy with her. A very understanding friend also. She's much younger than I am, but she's much more grown up than a lot of people my age.'
Just wanna let you guys know that you all mean a lot to "I do". Without you guys, it wouldn't be as fun as it has always been. Thank you. Mwahx mwahx.....
PS: Sori wa curi foto2 kalian dari Friendster. Soalnya I wanted it to be a surprise dan lagian pas gw tulis ini blog, jam 4.22 am ar... Everyone was asleep mah hehehe... About the gelar, please let me know the appropriate way to write them. I pretty much 'mengarang bebas' when it came to writing your degrees & titles hahaha..
PS: Sori wa curi foto2 kalian dari Friendster. Soalnya I wanted it to be a surprise dan lagian pas gw tulis ini blog, jam 4.22 am ar... Everyone was asleep mah hehehe... About the gelar, please let me know the appropriate way to write them. I pretty much 'mengarang bebas' when it came to writing your degrees & titles hahaha..
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