I was actually too lazy to ramble on like I always do. Yet this movie is so good I have to find every possible way to 'encourage' people to watch it. I know some of you ARE already planning to watch it. WATCH IT SOONER!!! hehe
I know how most people in our surroundings could sometimes be anti-Indo-movies. Well I'm not saying it is a perfectly-produced movie. But this is like the greatest Indonesian movie ever!!! Not that I've seen ALL Indonesian movies there are. But, watch it for yourself and see for yourself that I'm right. But I can guarantee, it WILL BE worth it!
It's a movie on how 10 poor Belitong kids found it almost impossible to fight for the thing they've so hungered for. Their friendship, their sacrifices &challenges and their tears & laughters while pursuing the luxury that most people take for granted, 'EDUCATION'.
I saw the trailer and the discussion on the novel and the movie a few weeks back and felt intrigued by the concept already. So the next day I asked "Udg" (read: most beloved hubby) to buy it on the way to work. (His office is next to SUN PLAZA, which has GRAMEDIA in it, so happens to be the most ideal place to get the book. Not that I'm so spoiled O.K?!!!) Got it the next morning when I'm up from bed.
Oh, they even had Nidji do the soundtrack for the movie. One of my favourite Indo bands. The oh-so-unique Nidji, with the after-the-movie-title "Laskar Pelangi". The lyrics are very easy and yet so true. The ref goes like this "Menarilah dan terus tertawa. Walau dunia tak seindah Surga" roughly translated "Keep dancing and laughing eventhough the world may not seem as beautiful as Heaven"
I even took my first effort in UPLOADING A VIDEO ON BLOGSPOT!!! Wait, come to think of it, ON THE INTERNET!!! MY FIRST TIME EVER UPLOADING A VIDEO ON THE INTERNET!!!! It's the videoclip of Nidji's Soundtrack, plus clips from the movies. Should set you ready to go buy the book or see the movie hehehe...
give me face larrrr!!!!!!!!!!! PLAY THE DAMN VIDEO!!! PAY THE EXTRA RP.2.500,- FOR THE EXTRA BANDWIDTH IF YOU MUST!!!
Note: I don't get any commission from this watsoever. Not even free movie tickets. (PS: I won't reject if anyone is offering any sort of retribution anytime in the future thou)
Anyway, reading the novel, I had to say the writing style was very different. I didn't really get it sometimes (Blame my moronic and freaky-slow reading skill). The words were so difficult for me sometimes (It's not the normal book who uses the lovey-dovey trendy words to describe things.. It uses a lot of highly intellectual words & jargons & stuff... And sometimes I feel it's too 'wordy' even (hehehe.. OK, I might be the slow one here) But well dun take my words for it. My Bahasa Indonesia (which is supposed to be "JANG BAIK DAN BENAR" after having graduated from SMU, is just too lame it's not even up to par with the anak2 in "Laskar Pelangi"). But overall, after a period of 'struggling' through the book, I should say, the book sends a huge morale message that INDONESIA, as a nation, should really JUST GET ALREADY!!!
Went to watch the movie last Tuesday, the Air-con was so damn cool it sent me to an extremely high fever which I had to endure for 3 full days! There goes half my holiday!!! But to think positively, well I got to sleep in in in and BE THE QUEEN!!! HUA HUA HUA!!!
iyaaaaaaaaaa.... byk yg bilang bagus tuuu, tapi gw sendiri blum ntn!!! tahbar tuuuu grrrr.. i've been waiting for a week liauuu.. grrrr.. pokoknya tonight musti ntn!! huahuahua.. *can't wait*
wa juga suka lagunyaaaa.... huhauah ... liriknya keren...
just read your blog. iya bagus filmnya. iya bagus lagunya.
dan iya novelnya keknya ngejelimet sok pinter.
hayaahhh pinter upload video. gw aja behiao..fufufufu.
salam buat Udg ( unit darurat gawat hyo?)
hahaha mira pasti sampe skrg masih gigit jari e hahaha... boi nonton kan?
ul lu bo suka film indo e hio? e sai nihhh ini ce kai..
sis, lu udah baca novelnya akhirnya? hahaha.. iya macam takut org tak tau dia ngerti nama2 kayak FILICIUM, trus kupu2 entah berapa jenis, ane bo nyambung.. trus they way he elaborated itu teori2 fisika.. adomakkkkk.... it put me straight to a good night's sleep
great story (but then again everybody knows that liao) not a very good movie tho. not riri riza best work (not even close)
if any it brings the greatness of the story down a few notch, injustice!!! but oh well...the whole indo seems to think its the best movie ever (so actually no harm done there, except for me)
hmmm.... so wats riri reza's greatest work so far? we should make sure we go out and watch hohohoho...
well it's not a PERFECT movie in every aspect loh memang.. but it's the best-presented indonesian movie with the factor of moral story considered... hohohoho
so it's very very very very very good, hahahaa....
Agree with you sis..
The best-est movie of all Indo-Movie
Hallo my friends,....
I have put Laskar Pelangie the Movie on my website To watch the movie for my overseas friends
Check www.indomaffia.com
under sub- menu films
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